Hundreds of career starters have uploaded their profile to Jobling and taken our personality test. Use Jobling to find who you’re looking for based on traits, interests or education.
How Jobling works
1Let Jobling know the traits you’re looking for in candidates, then Jobling gives you a list of candidates who match the criteria.
2 Let the job seekers know you’re interested and see who likes what you offer.
3 Make contact and meet.
"Since implementing the Jobling platform it has changed our hiring process for entry-level positions. With their innovative platform, we can easily connect with a pool of talented students. What sets Jobling apart is its sophisticated personality test, which allows us to hire based on personality and cultural fit rather than solely relying on experience and skills."
Kristiina, HR Partner
"Jobling helps eliminate tedious screening tasks, so our HR team can focus on what really matters – assessing candidates' personalities and fit within our company culture. Jobling's platform has truly liberated us from monotonous tasks, allowing us to make more informed hiring decisions based on genuine connections and shared values."
Reelika, Recruiter
"I'm really impressed by the large number of talented individuals with great potential that can be discovered based on their unique personalities. Jobling provides an easy-to-use platform that helps you connect with people who genuinely align with your company's values. The variety of filters available makes it simple and efficient to quickly narrow down and identify qualified candidates."